1 минута
от м. «Адмиралтейская»
от Невского проспекта
5 минут до Эрмитажа
Невский проспект 11/2, оф. 19,
вход с Кирпичного переулка, д.2, 19
+7 (812) 9726873
+7 (812) 3158836, info@nevskyinn.ru
The Nevsky Inn is easily accessible from the airport and railway stations by public transport.
Take bus number 39 to Moskovskaya (Московская) metro station. Here you take the blue line (No.2) and go 6 stops to Sadovaya (Садовая) where you change onto the purple line (No. 5) and go one stop to Admiralteiskaya (Адмиралтейская). The entrance to our building is located directly opposite the exit from the metro station
Exit the station on to Nevsky Prospect and then take any of the following buses and trolleybuses heading towards the Admiralty/Hermitage:
Bus: 3, 7, 22, 24, 27
Trolleybus: 5, 10, 11, 22
You should get off at the stop Malaya Morskaya Street/Admiralteiskaya metro (Малая Морская улица/метро Адмиралтейская)
Take the red line (No.1) and go 4 stops to Pushkinskaya (Пушкинская). Here change onto the purple line (No.5) and go 2 stops to Admiralteiskaya (Адмиралтейская). The entrance to our building is located directly opposite the exit from the metro station.
Alternatively we can arrange for a private transfer from the airport/railway stations. If you would like to use this service, please get in touch with us at: info@nevskyinn.ru
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