1 минута
от м. «Адмиралтейская»
от Невского проспекта
5 минут до Эрмитажа
Невский проспект 11/2, оф. 19,
вход с Кирпичного переулка, д.2, 19
+7 (812) 9726873
+7 (812) 3158836, info@nevskyinn.ru
Throughout your stay we are always on hand to offer help and advice in order to enable you to get the most out of your visit.
• There is always a member of our staff on the premises 24 hours a day.
• We provide the following services free of charge:
• Coffee/tea throughout the day
• WIFI/Internet access
• Hairdryer, iron, ironing board on request
• Telephone calls within the city of Saint Petersburg
• Luggage storage
• Restaurant reservations
• Doctor call-out
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